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Updated: Nov 3, 2023

Do you want an independent review of the physical security that you currently have in place?

At VIS Protection we can provide skilled operatives to assess the security by conducting an in-depth vulnerability assessment.

  • The risk of an attacker physically breaking into your organization.

  • Physical threats that could be simulated include bypassing door locks, stealing devices, or using social engineering to convince an employee to let them inside your home or business.

  • Include testing the procedures, alarm and access systems, and physical barriers that protect your home or business.

  • The situational awareness of your security guards.

While many businesses do an excellent job of protecting their clients, many organizations don't consider the risk associated with a possible physical attack on their locations and over a period of time get complacent and start to set patterns.

Once we have identified the strengths and weaknesses of your security system we can provide an extensive review and even work with your current provider to upgrade and rectify any problems or gaps in your security coverage.

LONDON: Suite 2775, Unit 3A, 34-35 Hatton Garden, Holborn, London, EC1N 8DX


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